Shutting Down a 3PAR

I recently did the power down of a datacentre containing a 3PAR and wanted to quickly cover off the steps that I followed to power off and then back on.

First of all I did a health check to check for any issues such as a failed disk:

3PAR1% checkhealth
 Checking alert
 Checking cabling
 Checking cage
 Checking cert
 Checking dar
 Checking date
 Checking fs
 Checking host
 Checking ld
 Checking license
 Checking network
 Checking node
 Checking pd
 Checking port
 Checking rc
 Checking snmp
 Checking task
 Checking vlun
 Checking vv

All looked OK so I proceeded with the shutdown.  You have 3 methods to shutdown SPmaint, SPOCC or via CLI.  I would recommend using SPmaint, or SPOCC  if possible.


1 Connect via web GUI to your Service Processor

2 Select SPmaint on the left hand menu

3 Choose StoreServ Product Maintenance


4 Choose halt a storeServ cluster/node


5 Choose to shutdown the cluster, not the separate nodes

6 Wait about 5 minutes, then follow the hardware steps later in the post


You will need to logon with a local admin account

To begin the shutdown:

3PAR1% shutdownsys halt

You will See the following prompt

-----System Information------
 System Name   : 3PAR1
 System Model  : HP_3PAR 7200c
 Serial Number : 1666666

------------------Partial List Of Hosts-------------------
 Id Name       Persona       -WWN/iSCSI_Name- Port  IP_addr

Shutting down this storage system will impact applications running on the hosts displayed above

Do you REALLY want to HALT this storage system? yes or no:

The system will HALT in 12 seconds

Press the enter key to stop...


No tasks can be running such as Adaptive Optimization. Then follow the hardware steps in the following section.

Hardware Steps

1 Wait aprox 5 mins for shut down

2 Check the node Status LED is flashing green and the node hotplug LED is blue

3 Turn off the node PCM switches at the back of the controller nodes. (Diagram borrowed from HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 and 7000c Storage Service Guide)

4 Turn off the node PCM switches at the back of the disk shelves


Power On

3PAR will automatically turn its self back on when power is detected so you will just need turn the PCM switches back on.  The order is the reverse of power off:

1 Turn on the node PCM switches at the back of the disk shelves

2 Turn on the node PCM switches at the back of the controller nodes


It would of course be sensible to do a checkhealth after power up to check everything looked OK. If you found this useful you will be interested to see our selection of the best 3PAR posts selected from the 150 posts written on the topic within this blog.




Deploying the 3PAR Quorum Witness VM

In my previous post I gave an overview on Peer Persistence and how to set it up. One of the tasks in the setup of Peer Persistence is the deployment of the quorum witness VM and this will be the focus of today’s post.


The instructions for deploying the witness VM are in the HPE Remote Copy Software User Guide on page 313. The instructions are thorough until you get to step 13 where it says “Edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to comment out (or delete) the PREFIX line, so that the netmask change can take effect:” but yet gives no instructions on how to do it. The witness VM is based on Cent OS and I am sure this step will be no bother to our Linux loving friends but as a Windows lover I was lost, shouting at the screen and demanding a GUI did no good. So I then did the following to change the mysterious ifcfg-eth0.

1 Connect to your witness VM via console and logon (root plus the password you chose)

2 Change directory

cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/

3 Enter

vi ifcfg-eth0

4 Locate where it says PREFIX, press i on the keyboard to allow insert and enter


5 To save your changes press escape on the keyboard, then type :wq! and finally press enter

6 Restart the management network

service network restart

7 That’s the end of the missing steps you can now return to HPE’s steps in the Remote Copy guide


Checking the witness VM


Once deployed that are a couple of CLI options you can use to check the health of the quorum witness VM.

showrcopy -qw targets
setrcopytarget witness check <IP of Quorum Witness>

To stay in touch with more 3PAR news and tips connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter.