Happy Birthday 3ParDude.Com

I’m terrible at remembering birthdays and in keeping with tradition, the 1 year anniversary of 3ParDude.com has passed me by and I’ve missed it by a couple of weeks.  Highlights over the past year have been publishing 80 posts, attending HP Discover and securing a place inside the top 10 new blogs in the 2015 vBlog voting .

chunklet party

The most read posts over the past year have been:

1) 3Par Simulator

2 ) 3Par 101 – Meet Chunklet!

3) Sneak Peek – StoreServ Management Console (SSMC)

4) Adaptive Flash Cache – Deep Dive

5) vSphere 6, VVOLs and 3PAR


My personnel favourite top 3:

1) 3Par 101 – Meet Chunklet!

2) Adaptive Optimization Design Considerations

3) Adaptive Flash Cache – Deep Dive


Thanks for reading! Remember to subscribe and follow on Twitter to keep receiving the latest tips and news on 3PAR. I would love to see some guest contributors on 3ParDude.com over the next year so if you fancy it give me a shout via Twitter or in the comments.