Brocade FOS 9 GUI

How to Enable Brocade FOS 9 Web Tools

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Great News:

Starting with Brocade FOS 9.0 the Web Tools now use only HTML and no more Java is needed. FOS 9 is supported for most 32GB Switches and you can Update from v8.2.1d or v8.2.2a or later. So, I have Updated four new HPE SN3600B (Brocade G610) Switches from 8.x to 9.0, but there is no Web Tool.

What’s the Problem?

First, there is no default https Certificate, we must generate one. (HTTP interface is no longer available)

seccertmgmt show -all

Certificate Files:


Protocol   Client CA                 Server CA                 SW                        CSR     PVT Key Passphrase


FCAP       Empty                     NA                        Empty                     Empty   Empty   Empty

RADIUS     Empty                     Empty                     Empty                     Empty   Empty   NA

LDAP       Empty                     Empty                     Empty                     Empty   Empty   NA

SYSLOG     Empty                     Empty                     Empty                     Empty   Empty   NA

HTTPS      NA                        Empty                     Empty                     Empty   Empty   NA

KAFKA      NA                        Empty                     NA                        NA      NA      NA

ASC        NA                        Empty                     NA                        NA      NA      NA

Now we generate a https Certificate, starting with FOS 8.1.x there is a simple command:

seccertmgmt generate -cert https -type rsa -keysize 2048 -hash sha1 -years 10

Or use the menu:

seccertmgmt generate -csr https
Certificate Files:


Protocol   Client CA                 Server CA                 SW                        CSR     PVT Key Passphrase


FCAP       Empty                     NA                        Empty                     Empty   Empty   Empty

RADIUS     Empty                     Empty                     Empty                     Empty   Empty   NA

LDAP       Empty                     Empty                     Empty                     Empty   Empty   NA

SYSLOG     Empty                     Empty                     Empty                     Empty   Empty   NA

HTTPS      NA                        Empty                     Exist                     Empty   Exist   NA

KAFKA      NA                        Empty                     NA                        NA      NA      NA

ASC        NA                        Empty                     NA                        NA      NA      NA

You should see the Web Tools in your Browser, like this:

Brocade FOS 9 GUI

But not for me, I get only a Blank White Page with no Login for all Switches. Wasting several Hours with search and Google for a Solution. Finally, I found the Problem: All my Browsers have a non-English GUI.

If you dig into the Release Notes there is a Note: Web Tools only supports the US English language setting in an internet browser. Setting to other language may result in Web Tools showing a blank Page.

Change setting and here it is:

Armin Kerl