I was invited to a briefing last week where VMTurbo announced they were changing the company name and brand. At first I was surprised to hear a company which has spent such a significant amount of time building a strong brand presence would wish to start over with a new name. So what’s in a name change?
The Beginnings
VMTurbo was founded back in 2008, launching their 1.0 release of VMTurbo Operations Manager in 2010. The purpose of VMTurbo‘s Operations Manager product is quite simply to allocate resources within your environment as efficiently as possible. This helps to ensure that you are maximising performance, whilst proactively preventing issues before they occur and getting the greatest ROI on your infrastructure.
VMTurbo ensures the optimal allocation of resources with what it calls its economic scheduling engine. I have covered this in more detail previously, but in short it assumes resources are finite and will be sold or allocated to the highest bidder.
When VMs ruled the world
I came into virtualisation late compared to many, around VMware Virtual Infrastructure 3.5 when I was asked to take on a small test environment. I purchased Mastering VI 3.5 and sat about reading it, I quickly realized the power of virtualisation and began badgering my boss that virtualisation should not be used for a small test environment but should be the first choice for the majority of production work loads. It felt kind of like a revolution and like VM’s would be at the cutting edge forever.
A new era
But nothing ever stands still in technology and it feels more and more like we are entering a new era of IT. Technologies like cloud now form a part of everyday conversation, whilst emerging technologies like containers continue to gain momentum. VM’s continue to form a key component of many companies infrastructure but are not the sole focus anymore, they form part of an infrastructure. It is this evolution of the industry that has led to the re-branding of VMTurbo.
An example of a traditional infrastructure stack is shown above, whilst a containerized stack is shown below.
Since VMTurbo’s economic market abstracts all resources they were already well placed to not only mange your onsite VM’s but also cloud and other elements of the emerging infrastructure stack. It is in this basis that VMTurbo is becoming Turbonomic, a reflection of delivering the same resource optimisation service but to a wider set of infrastructure.
Green Symbols
I think I am seeing a trend in IT companies branding strategies. HPE spent a significant sum of money on their new brand which is a green rectangle, The Turbonomic brand is based around a green circle at its core. Before anyone else gets it I’m taking the green triangle…….