Brocade FOS 9 GUI

How to Enable Brocade FOS 9 Web Tools

This guest post is brought to you by Armin Kerl, if you fancy trying you hand at blogging check out our guest posting opportunities.

Great News:

Starting with Brocade FOS 9.0 the Web Tools now use only HTML and no more Java is needed. FOS 9 is supported for most 32GB Switches and you can Update from v8.2.1d or v8.2.2a or later. So, I have Updated four new HPE SN3600B (Brocade G610) Switches from 8.x to 9.0, but there is no Web Tool.

What’s the Problem?

First, there is no default https Certificate, we must generate one. (HTTP interface is no longer available)

seccertmgmt show -all

Certificate Files:


Protocol   Client CA                 Server CA                 SW                        CSR     PVT Key Passphrase


FCAP       Empty                     NA                        Empty                     Empty   Empty   Empty

RADIUS     Empty                     Empty                     Empty                     Empty   Empty   NA

LDAP       Empty                     Empty                     Empty                     Empty   Empty   NA

SYSLOG     Empty                     Empty                     Empty                     Empty   Empty   NA

HTTPS      NA                        Empty                     Empty                     Empty   Empty   NA

KAFKA      NA                        Empty                     NA                        NA      NA      NA

ASC        NA                        Empty                     NA                        NA      NA      NA

Now we generate a https Certificate, starting with FOS 8.1.x there is a simple command:

seccertmgmt generate -cert https -type rsa -keysize 2048 -hash sha1 -years 10

Or use the menu:

seccertmgmt generate -csr https
Certificate Files:


Protocol   Client CA                 Server CA                 SW                        CSR     PVT Key Passphrase


FCAP       Empty                     NA                        Empty                     Empty   Empty   Empty

RADIUS     Empty                     Empty                     Empty                     Empty   Empty   NA

LDAP       Empty                     Empty                     Empty                     Empty   Empty   NA

SYSLOG     Empty                     Empty                     Empty                     Empty   Empty   NA

HTTPS      NA                        Empty                     Exist                     Empty   Exist   NA

KAFKA      NA                        Empty                     NA                        NA      NA      NA

ASC        NA                        Empty                     NA                        NA      NA      NA

You should see the Web Tools in your Browser, like this:

Brocade FOS 9 GUI

But not for me, I get only a Blank White Page with no Login for all Switches. Wasting several Hours with search and Google for a Solution. Finally, I found the Problem: All my Browsers have a non-English GUI.

If you dig into the Release Notes there is a Note: Web Tools only supports the US English language setting in an internet browser. Setting to other language may result in Web Tools showing a blank Page.

Change setting and here it is:

Armin Kerl

Brocade Network Advisor – Switch Firmware Upgrade

This guest post is brought to you by Jason Moorhead, if you fancy trying you hand at blogging check out our guest posting opportunities.

This doc will show how to update the fabric operating system (FOS) on a Brocade fibre channel switch using Brocade Network Advisor (BNA). Last I heard, BNA is free for non-Director class switches, and is infinitely easier than using the FTP method to do upgrades. One huge benefit is that you can update multiple switches (like say an entire fabric) at once. If you’re in a large organization that has dual redundant fabrics, you can update dozens of switches at once.

Assuming you have a BNA installation already, the high level steps are as follows:

  1. Download firmware from
  2. Go into Firmware management in BNA and upload firmware file and md5
  3. Select the switches you want to update, and what version you want each one to go to
  4. Click “download”

A couple things to remember here… First off, make sure you save off the md5 file when you download the firmware file. Second, only upgrade one major version at a time. For example you cannot go from 7.0.x directly to 7.4.2c. The upgrade path here is 7.0.x -> 7.1.x -> 7.2.x -> 7.3.x -> 7.4.2c.

Now let’s run through the steps in detail.

1 Download firmware and md5 from

Search for the firmware you require at the Brocade download area

Choosing Brocade FC Switch Firmware

2 Upload firmware into Brocade Network ADVISOR repository

Open up BNA and click on Firmware Management from the configure menu

Brocade Network Advisor Firmware Management

Click on “import” to add the recently downloaded firmware version to the BNA repository

Importing firmware into Brocade Network Advisor

Enter the location for the firmware .zip and .md5 file then hit OK

Entering firmware and MD5 location

You will see the following checks being performed

Firmware management checks

If all goes well you should see the success message below

Successful upload message

3 Choose Brocade switches for firmware update

A list of all switches in BNA is on the left. Highlight the switches you want to upgrade, and click the right arrow to add them to the active list. For each selected switch, choose the firmware version you want to install on the switch, keeping in mind you cannot upgrade more than one major version at a time. If you need to go from 7.2 to 7.4, you would need to run this upgrade twice.

Once everything looks good, click “Download”. BNA will then take care of all the uploading of data, and run through all the various upgrade tasks that often need to be done manually with the FTP method of upgrading switch firmware, including all reboots.

Choosing Brocade FC switches for firmware update

The process will update you in the status window, and eventually tell you the switch has been upgraded. You can then keep the same switches chosen, to do another major version upgrade, or choose a new set of switches.


Brocade SAN Health

Brocade SAN Health is a useful free utility you can download from Brocade to analyse amongst other things the load on your Brocade switches, any errors plus a whole host of other things including a nice Visio diagram showing your topology. This is how you to download, setup and run Brocade SAN Health

1 Download from Brocade

2 Extract the Zip file and run SANHealth.exe. The install wizard is an easy next, next affair. The only screen you may want to change is the location it will store completed health checks in

1 install location

3 The installer will put a SAN health icon on your desktop, just need to double click this to launch and then select New from the top left corner

2 start new

4 Enter all your personnel details in the boxes. Make sure you enter a valid e-mail address as this is where the results will get sent

3 site details

5 Next click the add switches tab and add all the switches in your fabric you wish

4 add switches

6 Move to the Fabric tab and for each Fabric you see listed on the right enter the required detail. It’s in this dialog that you get to choose how long the tests run for, I chose 24 hours.

5 fabric

7 Move to the capture tab and chose start.

6 start

8 When the capture has completed click send diagnostic report file via HTTPS

7 send results

9 When Brocade have processed the results they will e-mail you and inform you. You then access the results from the my home area on


8 chart

So after all that effort you may be wondering what you get back, you will get a nice Visio diagram of your fabric including all the host connections, charts showing the load on each switch as above. Plus a wealth of information displayed in tables including port errors, firmware and driver versions, each item in the tables is colour coded to show if it’s in a healthy state.

9 colour coding

Give it a go its a great free tool!

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